Ina Marée

Ina Marée, born in Frankfurt/Main, Germany, started playing the piano at the age of seven and studied vocal jazz and popular music at the Hilversums Conservatory. After her studies Ina toured as a solo singer/piano player and performed in Switzerland, Germany, France and the Netherlands. There she also met the Dutch classical guitarist Chris Marée. While living and working as a musician and teacher in the Netherlands she started composing and performing together with Chris, combining both their backgrounds of classic as well as pop and jazz music. Having sung in a big salsa orchestra from Hannover, Germany, for five years she got influenced by Latin jazz and fusion music and contributed to a cd recording of ‘Havana’ in the nineties, also writing the Spanish lyrics for one of the songs. The music of South American folk composers and singers is also a part of INA & CHRIS’ live performance concert program.
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